Tuesday, 27 March 2012

There's always a light at the end of the tunnel...

I'm not going to lie.  January and February sucked.  There were so many things that sucked in those months, that I won't even sit here and bore you with the details.  We could be here all night!

But I will say that the boys were the epitome of suckage!  They fought and cried and hurt each other and stole each other's toys and pretty much tormented each other as. much. as. they. could.  Cooking dinner was a 2 hour affair in 30 second intervals between breaking up tantrums and fights and awfulness.  In one monumental 2 hour dinner cooking event, I gave out a combined 15 time outs!  I swear I should call Guinness and see if we made it in this year's record book.  You try cook a good meal under those conditions!

So to say that I nearly lost my mind in those months, is an understatement.

And then came March....

I don't know what happened in March...Maybe it was more sun?  Less rain?  Some flowers popping out?  Maybe it was a hint of snow that you could toboggan down but still know you could drive to work the next day?  Maybe it was the excitement of an upcoming spring break?  Maybe it was switching up the types of TV shows the kids were allowed to watch?

Either way, there's no other way to describe March other than to say, "It's a beautiful thing!"

Over the last few weeks, my boys have been incredible.  They've played nicely together, they don't beat the bazeeges out of each other, they seem to really enjoy each other's company.  And as a result, I enjoy their company a lot more, too.  I can actually cook a meal now and not worry that I'm going to have to discipline the whole way through it.  I also don't remember the last time I gave a time out to either kid.

Don't get me wrong, they're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination.  But just to give you an idea...I took Big skiing this afternoon.  He's been asking since his birthday so I figured I should get him up there before the snow melted.  He lasted a couple hours and then was dying to go home...you know why?  He missed his brother!  And you know what else??  So did I!!

Kind of cool to see your kids adore each other :)  I hope it lasts!  I'm going to go knock on wood now to make sure I haven't just jinxed the whole thing :)