Saturday, 14 January 2012

To my baby on his 5th birthday

Five??  WHAT THE???  Since when did you get old??  Just the other day, you were saying you're 4 and 3/4's!  Now all of a sudden, you're 5!!  Don't sneak up on my like that again, you hear??  That's just not fair!

I cannot believe how much you've changed this year.  First of all, you can see!!!  Hallelujah!  You can see!  We had no idea you were nearly blind.  +7!  MAN!!  How did that fly under our radar?  Surely there should be some warning signs.  But, alas, you rode your bike like a maniac and you didn't walk into people or walls and you could point to little tiny images on pages!  How were we to know those were survival skills?

Taking you to the eye doctor on a whim, though, I think it might be my best mommy moment of the year.  Because not only did we get you glasses, we got you a whole new world!  A world you can maneuver through better now that you can see more clearly. You are far more grown up and mature now because of it.

While you used to lack confidence in your abilities, you now are willing to try new things...most of the time!  You also seem to have less anxiety over new experiences.  You'd still rather be right next to me or daddy at all times but you're more willing to be alone.

We had a few bumps in the road with some rough daycare drop offs but now you really like daycare and playing with your friends.  Or, at least, you don't tell me you hate daycare 24/7 :)  That's a win, win for me :)

You started preschool this year, too.  Your favorite part is seeing your special friend and doing your workbooks.  Your teacher told me you are the last one to leave your workbook in the morning because you want to make sure you do the best you can on it everyday.

And that is what I love about you...your determination to work hard.  You excel at bike riding.  There was never a moment that you thought you couldn't ride your bike...I'm pretty sure you're going to be doing flips on that bike soon!  When you're at the race track, you tell me you can do this forever!  And you know what?  I believe you!  I feel so lucky that we've found something that I think you will have a lifelong passion for.  Biking is you.  You would do it every moment of every day if you could.

You even liked skiing the one time we brought you up on your birthday.  You liked it in the same way that you like biking..."Mommy!  I could do this forever!"  That just makes me think you'll be one of those boarding/BMX dudes.  I can totally picture you like those guys already in your baggy jeans that sag around your knees and your Vans sneakers that you refuse to tie up and your scruffy, long hair hanging at the skate park.  Just stay away from the drugs, k?  You're too smart for that :)

Anyway, little buddy, you are awesome.  You're an amazing little guy and I know you are going to move mountains some day!  Probably while pushing them on your bike, but that's beside the point :)

Stay cool always and remember that mommy loves you no matter what :)

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