Thursday, 23 February 2012

I can see clearly now....

One of my closest friends just got diagnosed with cancer.  A nasty kind of cancer, too.  She's the toughest gal I know, so I'm sure she's going to be in that "Screw you cancer!  You can't take me down with you!" group.

This post isn't about my friend, though.  This post is about my son.

This past month has been beyond brutal for me.  My job, my kids, my life is driving me bat #$(* crazy, for lack of a better word.  And then adding my friend's cancer to the mix pretty much threw me over the edge. My patience, my energy, my will to break up fights between my kids has pretty much been decimated.  I've found a new appreciation for bedtime...and wine :)

Yesterday, though, while I was rushing to get dinner made and eaten within 30 minutes to get out to floor hockey class, Big grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to "come see this mommy!!"  Apparently there was something cool in the playroom.

I've seen lots of "cool" things in the playroom...lots of lego cars, playmobil bikeriders, clothes pulled out of the closet...none of which really match my definition of cool but I suck it up for the sake of my kid's self worth.

But yesterday?  My amazing son dragged me upstairs to see a rainbow!  We had a crazy downpour of rain and as soon as the sun came out, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.  Both my kids stared at it in silent wonder for ages.  Key word?  SILENT!!

I said all kinds of "Wow!  It's beautiful.  Cool, eh?" statements but in my head I was thinking about my plan to get the lunch bags unpacked and in the dishwasher, the laundry in the washer, the dinner on the table.. what was I cooking for dinner again??  And how much time do we have until floor hockey???

I started to panic and said, "ok guys!  I have to go start on dinner.  Thanks for showing me."

At which point, Big grabbed my hand and said, "No, mommy!  Really look at the rainbow!  It's beautiful!"

I looked at my amazing kid and all I could think of was how truly beautiful he was.  The rainbow was ok, too :)  And I stayed there with my kids, holding their hands watching the rainbow disappear.

The rainbow only lasted for about 5 minutes and dinner was eaten and cleaned up with time to spare before floor hockey class...

And I managed to scoop a little moment of peace in my crazy hectic day with my little dudes.

But probably most importantly, I realized how small moments with my boys appreciating them and the things around them are waaaaaay more valuable than getting the lunch bags unpacked and the laundry in the wash.  If only I could remind myself of that more often.

Thanks Big!  I can see clearly now!  But, honestly?  That rainbow wasn't nearly as beautiful as it's reflection in your eyes!

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