Tuesday, 7 August 2012

A reminder that time flies...

My kids have gotten a lot better at playing together these days.  Small still doesn't back off much when Big tells him to leave him alone but Big has gotten a lot better at being patient with him.  Big starts Kindergarten in Sept and I've been trying to teach him how to solve problems himself so he is better prepared for school.  Most of the time, it turns into a disaster and I usually have to step in.  But, now and then, he shows signs of huge amounts of maturity that makes me realize he's growing up quickly and I better hang on to every memory I can!

The other day, him and Small were fighting over the one cereal bowl we have with a straw.  We normally take turns with it in the mornings but that day, I'd completely forgotten who's turn it was.  Big got it first but Small insisted it was his day.  Small isn't the best at remembering stuff that's not in his favor so his word wasn't much reassurance.

Well, the wailing and screaming got worse and the punches were about ready to start.  So I told them that they better find a way to solve the problem or neither of them would get it.

I fully expected World War III to start...as it normally does...but this particular day, Big stopped himself mid cry, wiped his eyes and gave the bowl to Small.  He said, "Mommy, Small can have it first and then I'll have it when he's done his breakfast."

Small responded with, "Me eat my breakfast fast so you can have it sooner!"

At which point, I almost fell off my chair!

It just goes to show you how quickly these kids grow up.  I have to remind myself of that often so that I cherish all the time I have with them now while they want to hang out with me still :)

Speaking of which...Big wants me to help him build some Lego!!  I better get on that :)

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