Friday, 18 November 2011

Trick or Treat

It was my birthday this weekend!  Yeah, yeah.  Happy birthday to me.  Thanks :)  It's really not that big of a deal!  I'm not I'm not officially middle aged...right?  Whatever.  Age is a state of mind and I still swear I'm 27 so that's all that matters :)

Either way, my kids have been stoked about my birthday!  Like beyond stoked!  They've been waiting for Halloween because that means it's mommy's birthday!!  They've been asking me about my party for ages...who's coming...what costume I'm going to wear (because it's of course going to be a costume party :) ) and what kind of cake I'm having.

If you've followed my blog at all, you know I'm big into cakes for my kids birthdays.  Well, I've obviously done a good job making them feel special with their cakes because they were dumbfounded when I said I probably wouldn't have one.  What?  No cake??  What kind of party has no cake?

So the first thing my kids wanted to do when we got up in the morning was put on their get ready for the party :)  Then they waited...and waited...and waited...still no party!  "When are your friends coming, mommy?"  "They're not coming, honey!  All I need for my birthday is you boys!"  Eventually, the costumes came off...the waiting stopped and they moved onto other things.  I think me booting off to Costco was a bit of a buzz kill for them :)

Then we headed out for dim sum...which was really the only thing I wanted to do for my birthday.  They were all excited because they thought they were finally going to my party!  "Where's your party, mommy?  At the park?"  "No, honey.  We're going to a restaurant for lunch."  

Didn't sound cool...nor did the half hour wait time to get in!  But, yum!!  Was the dim sum ever good!  And can I just say how awesome my kids are?  They tried everything we ordered!  Ok, so we don't order things like chicken feet and tripe and stuff that looks like science experiments to me.  But, they did eat this black bean sesame thing that looked like a pile of black stuff in a bowl.  If I didn't know it tasted good, there's no chance I would have tried it!  Those kids didn't even bat an eye!  Small actually gobbled it down as quickly as he could get it in his mouth...and on his shirt...and down the front of his chest...and all over his face...he was a mess by the end!  Situation normal :)

After lunch, we decided to finally head to the pumpkin patch.  It was rainy and muddy and wet and the pumpkins were almost all rotten so we had pretty much the whole place to ourselves.  The kids said they had a lot of fun and wanted to go back tomorrow.  "How about next year instead?"  "Ok, mommy!" 

The rest of the day was spent at home cooking dinner, carving pumpkins and eating cake...Yep!  I did actually get cake :)  My husband is really good at making sure i get my favorite on my birthday...DQ Ice Cream Cake.  MMMMmmmmm!!!

All in all, it was a great day.  I didn't see any friends or do anything super spectacular, nor did I get any presents.  But, the best thing was that I was with my 3 favorite dudes and I couldn't have been happier!

Happy Halloween everyone!  Stay safe!!

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