Friday, 18 November 2011

Who's Great Idea Was This?

No, SERIOUSLY!  Whose great idea was Halloween??

I mean, I totally don't get it. Like who in their right mind would want to give their kids ample supply of candy, late in the evening, right before bedtime!  And then continue to supply them with candy for the next 3 months?  It's so bizarre to me that anyone would come up with such an insane idea!

No MOM would have thought it was a good idea! That's pretty obvious!!
I have a theory, though. I think this is the real story behind Halloween:

A bunch of dads are sitting around a hockey rink drinking their Timmy's and watching their kids play a game.

Dad #1 says, "My wife only cooks me healthy food! I need more sugar sugar sugar!!"

Dad #2 replies with, "You're telling me, man! If I eat anymore quinoa..."

At which point, Dad #3 says, "You know what?? I think we should get strangers to give us sugar! That's the ticket!  Then our wives can't tell us we can't have it because it was a gift!  And you know as well as I do that they wouldn't want to offend anyone by not taking the gift!"

Cheers erupt from the audience...the kids on the ice look at the dads and yell, "There was no goal!!  Why the ruckus??"

And the dads yell, "EUREKA!!  WE JUST STRUCK GOLD!"

But there was a flaw to their plan...any old dude showing up at a strangers door was likely to be met with slammed doors in their faces. No one opens their door to packs of strange men! That's just crazy!!

Dad #1 reaches genius status:

"I've GOT IT!! We'll get our KIDS to do it!! We'll dress them up in super cute costumes that no one can turn their backs on and the strangers will throw oodles and oodles of chocolate and candy at them!!  IT'S BRILLIANT!!!"

And so we get Halloween. A mom's worst nightmare. A kid's biggest dream. And a dad's best goal scored!

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