Wednesday, 4 December 2013

It's the most wonderful time of the year....

And so...Chippy has arrived!  <sigh>  Chippy.  What a wonderful thing Chippy is!  The kids adore him.  They talk to him like he's their best friend.  They ask him for advice.  They live. breath. sleep good behavior when Chippy is around.

I wish I had a Chippy for every month of the year!

This morning, Chippy was found stuck in the mail slot.  I guess he had a hard time getting back into the house!  He was busy last night.  He decorated the front door like a snowman.

"Silly Chippy!  You helped us with our decorations!" exclaimed Small when he found him this morning.  

Chippy also left a note for the kids that said, "Now YOU do something kind for someone today!"  Well, heck!  What a nice gesture, Chippy!  You're even instilling good will in these kids!  You've outdone yourself!

Small, "Hmm, do something kind.  What could I do that's kind for someone, Chippy?  I'll have to think about that some more!"

You know what he came up with?  He turned the TV off nicely for Ammy. that wasn't so awesome.  But, at least he thought about it!

Big, on the other hand, decided to draw me a picture of Spiderman trapping Vulture in a web.

Who's it what'sit?  Yeah, I don't know either but it's the thought that counts!

Just think of all the possible notes Chippy can leave:

"Help Mommy by cleaning up the house"
"Stay in your beds tonight!"
"Make dinner!"  or more realistically "Eat what Mommy made you for dinner without complaining!"
"Give Mommy a beer and tell her you'll put yourself to bed tonight!"

The possibilities are endless.....

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