Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Scream time! Who knew it was such an appropriate name!

About a month ago, I reached a whole new low with Small.  That kid!  Smokes!!  When he's mad, it's like he's possessed!  Like, literally!!  I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered hiring an exorcist!!  Seriously!  The DEVIL!!

So this one day, I told him he couldn't play on the computer.  After his head stopped spinning around 360 degrees, he went into full on fight or flight mode!  Things were flying, flailing, kicking!!  It was not a pretty sight.  He eventually decided to chuck my computer keyboard on the floor and then my mouse across the room.  Color me UNHAPPY!!!  

Enter phase two of the tantrum.  I'll spare you details.

The next day, the battle started soon as we walked in the door.  "No computer time!"  But this day, I had decided they could EARN computer time by doing workbook pages.  Genius idea, right???  Well, now that meant that I had to HELP them with the damn workbook pages while trying to cook dinner at the same time!  Not cool!  Not cool at all!!!  

Even that didn't work with my little ticking timebomb!  

A couple days later, we had rip roaring tantrum number 2!  This one hit it's breaking point when I moved the mouse to the top of the fridge and he climbed up there to take it back.  I put it in my pocket and he pulled it out and chucked it...all while Big was wailing behind me for dinner...all while I was trying to cook dinner...

Enter phase two of the tantrum while Big continues to wait unpatiently for dinner.  I'll spare you details.

Needless to say, SCREEN TIME (or SCREAM TIME as they call it) and me ARE NOT FRIENDS!

That night, I packed up my computer and put it somewhere were they couldn't see it.  The next time they went to play with it, it was Gone!  Vanished!  

"Where's your computer, Mommy?"

"I'm tired of you kids <and by that I mainly mean Small> not treating my stuff with respect.  So until you can show me you can use my stuff nicely, you won't be using it!"

Mommy- 1; Kids- 0

But, you'll never guess what happened after that??  From then on, they walked in the house from school and not once asked for SCREAM TIME.  They don't even bother asking for TV anymore.  They know I'm pissed and it's not going to happen.  

So you know what they do instead??  They play together!  Nicely!!  Like EVERYDAY!!!  I haven't had a fight with either kid for weeks during dinner making time!  

Admittedly, that was a lot easier than I expected.  I'm sure the time will come when they start asking again.  But until then, I'm going to ride the wave of peace in the house!

Mommy- 2; Computer- 0

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