Wednesday, 9 April 2014

5! GLORIOUS 5!!!!

It's no secret that 3 did not look pretty on Small.  4 looked only slightly better!

It's also no secret that I was literally counting down the days until he turned 5...since he was about 4 years 2 months old!!

Ok, maybe that was a secret...Shh!!  Don't tell anyone!

Either way, he is officially 5 and can I just say that 5 is all kinds of awesome!!!!  No joke!!  5 year olds are ALMOST rational!  They are ALMOST capable of controlling their emotions.

They are ALMOST HUMAN!!!


So the other day, I was driving him from point A to point B (which is what I spend about 80% of my free time doing...and he decided he wanted to eat his cheesecake.

<Note: the so called cheesecake I made was actually a healthy fake version made with greek yogurt and strawberries...Muwahaha!!!  Mommy's smarter than you, kid!!!>

Anyhow, I told him he had to eat his veggies first.  He started pulling out the ol' tears/tantrum/hissy fit/all of the above.  But, I ignored him and shoved both his veggies and his "cheesecake" in front of him.  I then explained that he can't have his "treat" until he eats his good food first.

Now, if he were 3, that would have resulted in a 2 hour legs and arms flailing on the ground massive fallopian tube seizing tantrum.

If he were 4, that would have resulted in a 1 hour legs and arms flailing on the ground mommy needs an ENTIRE bottle of wine tantrum.

But...he's five now!!  So you know what happened???

He thought about it for a few minutes!!

I'll just let that sink in for a second.....


And then, the next thing I knew....I heard the veggie container clicking open.

< can I just interject here and say how beautiful a sound that is.... >

< like music to a mom's ears!!! >

And he ate the ENTIRE container of veggies....

and then he said, "Mommy, I ate my veggies.  I'm going to eat my cheesecake now!"

"Sure! You go for it, buddy!"

But you and I both know that that cheesecake was actually pretty healthy for him :)

Double Muwahaha!!!  Can't pull a fast one on me little fella!!!

But then the most amazing thing happened!  A little miracle, you might say!

He said, "Mommy, I made a good choice there!  I wanted to cry when you told me I needed to eat my veggies first but I decided to eat them because I wanted to eat my cheesecake!"

Ok, WHAAAAAAAAT????????????

Have the zombie's officially invaded and taken over my child??????

Nope...he's just 5!!

And so far, 5 is looking pretty good on him!!!!

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