Friday, 21 August 2015

facebook statuses from 2012 part 2

C: "You get what you get get get and you don't get upset!"
B: "No! It's 'You get what you get, and you don't get upset!"
C: "Oh! You get what you get what you get and you don't get upset!"
B: "NO!! It's 'You get what you get, and you don't get upset!!!"
C: "Oh, ok! 'You get what you get get what you get and you don't get upset!"
B: "NO!!! YOU DON'T SAY IT THREE TIMES!!! It's 'You get what you get, and you don't get upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
C: "I can't help myself!!"
B: "Maybe TV will fix your head"

C: "Kaka! That means, Goodbye!"
C: "Mana mana! That means, hello!"
C: "Bamabooda! That means, Can i have a drink?"
C: "Pomma pada mono sipa dooda boom boom."
Me: "What does that mean?"
C: "Nothing! I just made it up!"

today, I took my kid to art class, pho lunch, and strong start. It was a busy, fun day full of lots of activities and adventures. So imagine my surprise when I asked him what his favorite part of the day was and he replied, "Scaring away the crow!" He yelled at it from inside the car and it just happened to fly away at the same time. Seriously...favorite. part. of the. day!! I'm obviously trying to hard.

B: "C! Lets play the game of who's the quietest...except that mommy and me aren't playing!"

C: "Mommy! You're a good driver! You don't bonk into things!"

Oh no I didn't just flush the kid's glasses down the toilet!!! #Shh!!#Iwonttellifyoudont!

You know those days where your kid starts screaming for no reason and you know they're tired so you tell them to close their eyes and have a rest...and they do??? Yeah, me either .

B: "Mommy, I want to donate some of my toys to the HOPELESS people"
Me: "Who are Hopeless people, honey?"
B: "You know, the one's who don't have homes!"
Me: "Oh, you mean, HOMELESS people. Sure, that would be great to donate your toys smile emoticon"

frown emotic

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