Thursday 29 December 2011

Sometimes manners suck!

The boys have been sleeping in the same bed together for a couple months now.  So far, it's going well.  It means daddy can put both boys to bed at the same time and mommy can have some much needed time to herself.
The other day, though, we woke up to screaming and yelling coming from their room.  We tried to ignore it and hoped they'd just roll over and go back to sleep but no such luck.  They came running into our room screaming and yelling...dang!
Big was yelling, "Yeah, you have to!"
and Small was yelling, "No, I don't!"

When we finally got them calmed down, we found out what the issue was...

Apparently, Small tooted in his sleep.  Big was awake at the time and heard him.
So naturally, he told Small that he had to say "excuse me!"
When Small stayed asleep, Big thought he was ignoring him and got mad.  So he told him louder that he needed to say excuse me.
At which point, Small woke up to his brother yelling at him to say excuse me and he had NO CLUE what he had done!

Thursday 22 December 2011

Three Cheers for Boppy!

Santa has been super kind to my kids this year.  He decided to send them their very own elf!  Not just any elf, mind you...a special elf!  One that watches over the kids during the day and reports back to Santa at night.  Most days, Santa sends a special book back for the kids to read.  But on days where the boys have been particularly naughty, there's no book to day, there was even NO ELF!!!  Wow!  They must have really upset Santa that day!

The kids decided to name him Boppy Doodlebop.  I kinda hope we get a new Elf next year that we can give a more silly name to.  Something like Thomas or Everett would be a much sillier name for an Elf...but that's just my opinion :)

Most days our Elf is found just kicking around the house...sitting on his book, staring out windows, stuffed in a stocking.  Today, in fact, he was found trying on some of the kids socks in their sock basket!  Silly Boppy!!  They're too big for you!

About a week ago, Boppy was found in Big's bed with a pullup on.  "He's so silly, mommy!", Big said.  And the day Boppy built a tower out of blocks for the kids, Big made sure he built a bigger tower for him...and then he built a fence around it to make sure Small didn't knock it down....unfortunately, when Small sees blocks in any configuration, he figures they're meant to be knocked down.  Oops!

The other day, the kids found Boppy on the counter making snow angels...OUT OF FLOUR!!!  "That Elf is so silly, mommy!" Big said.

Small, on the other hand, just. can't. stop. himself.  from touching Boppy!  He tickles his tummy..."Just a little tickle, like this mommy!" or he touches his hat, or he knocks him on the ground and picks him up.  Big is horrified by all this.  "Mommy!!  <Small> touched Boppy!!  He's going to lose his magic!!"

I explained to Big that day that Boppy is a little more understanding of impulsive toddlers.  So far, he hasn't lost his magic yet and he keeps coming back!  Yesterday he even brought a hot wheels track for the kids!!  Wow, Boppy, you've outdone yourself!

<Sigh>  Christmas is only a few days away and I'm sure Boppy will be happy to be home at the North Pole...away from poking fingers and not having to find silly things for the kids to find him doing.  But, I'm sure a part of him will miss his special boys.  I'm sure he'll miss them thanking him every day for their books and making sure he's sitting beside them with part of their blanket so he can listen to the story, too.  I'm sure he'll miss watching over them at night to make sure they go to bed like civilized people.  I'm sure he'll miss hearing my explanations of why he can't talk back to the boys and how he only talks in "ELF" to Santa.  I'm sure he'll miss Small having conversations with him about Santa and what Santa eats for dinner, etc.

I wonder if Santa might consider sending us a New Year's Angel and a Valentine's Cupid and a St. Patrick's Day leprechaun and all sorts of other little people to make sure the boys behave for the rest of the year. 

What do you think Santa??  Come on...I know you've got a little something extra in that sack for me??? 


Sunday 18 December 2011

Video Killed the...

Every year since Big was a baby, I've been making movies of my favorite pictures and video clips from that year.

Last night, I started working on this year's montage.  And to say I was starting to get discouraged is an understatement. I sat for a couple hours staring at pictures and videos and tried to come up with a theme.  I eventually just gave up on the thinking part and started throwing clips together. 

No one ever really watches these videos.  I like watching them when they're done and I give a copy to both sets of grandparents.  I think they like watching it...once.  But, after that, no one else really cares. 

So I started wondering why I was wasting so much time on them?

And then I had an epiphany. 

I decided to show my kids their video from last year this morning. They were enthralled!  They loved watching themselves when they were little.  They pointed out their scooters and they remembered about their old bike helmets and they marvelled at how Small couldn't talk at one point???

And I realized that these are the things that help shape the kids memories.  Without these pictures and reminders of the things they've done when they were little, those adventures will become a distant past.

So off I go to make this year's video a matter how much time it takes :)

Saturday 3 December 2011

We're off to see the Wizard!!

I decided to take Big to see the Wizard of Oz last night.  I haven't had a date with my dude in a long time so I think we were both pretty excited :) 

We started off the evening with his preschool concert.  You know those videos you've seen of the kids standing at the back looking miserable?  That was my kid!  He HATED IT!  Actually, HATE doesn't quite express how he felt about it.  He was miserable and pouty and I could tell it was taking everything in him not to wail.  Poor kid.  I guess me and his grandparents laughing from the audience probably didn't help.

Anyhow, after said concert extraordinnaire, we ditched the littler guy and headed out on the town.  We had some snacks before the show and he was pretty much raring to go once the show started.  He was excited to see the "scary parts" and to see the Wizard.  About half an hour in, he said, "Hey!  Wait a second!!  There's no Wizard in this show!!"  Hahaha!  Gotta be patient kid!

When the munchkins came out, he laughed along with the crowd but I don't think we really got it.  He said they were "shrunken people".  After intermission, though, the guy sitting next to him (for the ENTIRE PLAY) came back in and sat down.  He was tall and had white hair and could have maybe sort of kind of looked like one of the actors playing a munchkin maybe??  Well, Big looked at him and said, "Were you one of the munchkins?"  Both of us just looked at each other and laughed. 

At one point, Big yelled out, "I wish <Small> were here! He'd really like this!"  So sweet that he thinks of his brother :)  He even told me this morning that it was fun to go watch but that he missed his brother.  <sigh>  Sweet :)

But on the way home, right before he fell asleep, I asked him what his favorite part was.  He said, "I don't know, mommy!  What was your favorite part?" 

I said, "Hanging out with you, buddy!"

He said, "I think my favorite part was going to McDonald's first!"

<sigh>  I guess breaking my 20 year ban from McDonald's to make sure he wasn't a hungry, cranky mess was a good choice :)